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How To Answer Essay Topic 3 In The applySUNY App: Belief

> How To Answer Essay Topic 3 In The applySUNY App: Belief
Blake Mischley
• Updated: August 7, 2024 • 11 min read

Are you applying to a SUNY school and answering the essay topic 'Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?' This essay prompt can be intimidating, but fear not!
In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of answering the applySUNY essay topic and help you craft a compelling and thoughtful response.

This blog post has been updated and is accurate for the 2024-2025 essay prompts.

Understanding the Essay Topic

Before diving into writing your essay, it is crucial to fully understand the essay topic. Let's break down the applySUNY essay prompt: "Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?"

This topic is asking you to reflect on a specific experience when you challenged a belief or idea. It could be a personal belief, a societal norm, a cultural tradition, or any other commonly accepted notion. The essay prompt wants you to explore what motivated you to take action and question that belief or idea.

To understand the essay topic better, consider the following questions:

1- What belief or idea did you challenge? Think about a specific instance where you encountered a belief or idea that you disagreed with or found problematic.

2- Why did you decide to challenge this belief or idea? Reflect on the factors or events that led you to question its validity or impact.

3- What actions did you take to challenge this belief or idea? Describe the steps you took to express your dissent or initiate change.

4- What were the outcomes or consequences of your actions? Reflect on the impact of your challenge and how it affected you, others, or the situation at hand.

5- Looking back, would you make the same decision again? Assess the long-term consequences and personal growth resulting from your actions. Consider whether you would repeat your actions given the chance.

Understanding the essay topic is crucial because it helps you stay focused and provides clarity on what the admissions committee wants to learn about you. It also allows you to organize your thoughts and structure your essay effectively.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the essay topic, let's move on to the next section: "How to Reflect on the Time When You Challenged a Belief or Idea."

How to Reflect on the Time When You Challenged a Belief or Idea

Reflecting on the time when you challenged a belief or idea is a crucial step in crafting a compelling essay response. In this section, we will explore how to effectively reflect on your experience and present it in a thoughtful and engaging manner. Let's dive in!

Identifying the Belief or Idea You Challenged

The first step in reflecting on your experience is to clearly identify the belief or idea that you challenged. Think about a specific instance or situation where you encountered a belief or idea that you disagreed with or found problematic. It could be a personal belief, a societal norm, a cultural tradition, or any other commonly accepted notion. Clearly articulate the belief or idea in your essay to provide context and set the stage for your story.

Explaining Why You Challenged This Belief or Idea

Once you have identified the belief or idea, it is important to explain why you felt compelled to challenge it. Reflect on the factors or events that led you to question its validity or impact. Was it a personal experience, an encounter with others, or a realization through education or research? Be honest and introspective about your motivations and provide a clear explanation of why challenging this belief or idea was important to you.

Describing the Outcome of Your Actions

After explaining why you challenged the belief or idea, it is crucial to describe the outcome of your actions. What steps did you take to challenge the belief or idea? Did you engage in discussions, initiate a project, or take a stand in a particular situation? Clearly describe the actions you took and the impact they had. Did your challenge lead to a change in mindset, a shift in societal norms, or a personal transformation?

By reflecting on the belief or idea you challenged, explaining your motivations, and describing the outcome of your actions, you can provide a comprehensive and engaging account of your experience. This will help the admissions committee understand your thought process, values, and ability to critically analyze and challenge existing beliefs or ideas.

In the next section, we will delve into "How to Discuss What Prompted You to Act" and explore the motivations behind your actions.

How to Discuss What Prompted You to Act

In this section, we will explore how to effectively discuss what prompted you to act when challenging a belief or idea. Understanding the motivations behind your actions is crucial in providing a comprehensive and genuine response to the applySUNY essay prompt. Let's delve into the steps to effectively discuss what prompted you to act.

Identifying Your Motivations

The first step is to identify the motivations that led you to take action. Reflect on what inspired you or pushed you to challenge the belief or idea. Was it a personal conviction, a sense of injustice, or a desire to create positive change? Take the time to dig deep and understand the driving force behind your actions. This will help you present a sincere and authentic account in your essay.

Explaining How These Motivations Led You to Act

Once you have identified your motivations, it is important to explain how they led you to take action. Did your motivations stem from personal experiences, witnessing injustice, or realizing the potential for improvement? Discuss the thought process and emotions that fueled your decision to challenge the belief or idea. This will help the reader understand the connection between your motivations and the actions you took.

Describing the Impact of Your Actions

After explaining how your motivations led you to act, it is crucial to describe the impact of your actions. What change or influence did your challenge have? Did it spark a meaningful conversation, inspire others to question the status quo, or bring about tangible results? Reflect on the short-term and long-term consequences of your actions, both for yourself and for others involved. By describing the impact, you showcase the significance of your decision to challenge the belief or idea.

By effectively discussing what prompted you to act, you provide insight into your values, resilience, and determination to make a difference. This section allows the admissions committee to understand your thought process and evaluate the depth of your commitment to challenging existing beliefs or ideas.

How to Reflect on Whether You Would Make the Same Decision Again

In this section, we will explore how to reflect on whether you would make the same decision again when challenging a belief or idea. Assessing the consequences of your actions and reflecting on your experience is important in providing a well-rounded response to the applySUNY essay prompt. Let's dive into the steps to effectively reflect on whether you would make the same decision again.

Assessing the Consequences of Your Decision

The first step is to assess the consequences of your decision to challenge the belief or idea. Reflect on the short-term and long-term outcomes that resulted from your actions. Did your challenge bring about positive change or create unintended consequences? Assess the impact on yourself, others involved, and the broader community. Consider both the immediate effects and any ripple effects that may have occurred.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

After assessing the consequences, it is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of your decision. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of challenging the belief or idea. Did your actions align with your initial motivations and goals? Consider the personal growth, resilience, and skills you gained from the experience. Also, reflect on any challenges or negative repercussions that you faced. This evaluation will provide a balanced perspective on the decision you made.

Concluding Whether or Not You Would Repeat Your Actions

Based on your assessment and weighing of the pros and cons, it is time to come to a conclusion. Reflect on whether you would make the same decision again given the chance. Consider the lessons learned, the growth experienced, and the impact made. Did your actions align with your values and long-term aspirations? Be honest with yourself and provide a thoughtful response to this important question.

Reflecting on whether you would make the same decision again showcases your ability to critically analyze your actions and learn from your experiences. It allows the admissions committee to understand your maturity, self-reflection, and decision-making skills.

How to Craft a Compelling Conclusion

In this section, we will explore how to craft a compelling conclusion for your applySUNY essay. The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader and tie together all the elements of your essay. Let's delve into the steps to effectively craft a compelling conclusion.

Summarizing Your Main Points

Begin your conclusion by summarizing the main points you discussed throughout your essay. Remind the reader of the belief or idea you challenged, the motivations that prompted you to act, and the outcomes of your actions. Briefly touch upon the key arguments and experiences you shared in your essay. This summary helps reinforce the central themes and highlights the significance of your story.

Relating Your Experience Back to Your Personal Growth and Development

Next, relate your experience back to your personal growth and development. Reflect on the lessons learned, the insights gained, and the impact it had on shaping your perspective. Discuss how challenging the belief or idea has influenced your values, aspirations, or future goals. By connecting your experience to your personal growth, you demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to learn from challenging situations.

Ending with a Thought-Provoking Statement or Question

Finally, end your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement or question that leaves the reader contemplating your story. This could be a reflection on the broader implications of challenging beliefs or ideas, a call to action for the reader to critically analyze their own beliefs, or a question that invites further exploration. This final touch adds depth and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Crafting a compelling conclusion is essential in leaving a strong and memorable impression on the admissions committee. By summarizing your main points, relating your experience to personal growth, and ending with a thought-provoking statement or question, you can effectively wrap up your essay and leave the reader with a sense of reflection and inspiration.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the applySUNY essay prompt effectively is essential for crafting a captivating response. Begin by understanding the belief or idea you challenged, articulating your motivations, and thoroughly evaluating the outcome of your actions. Reflecting on whether you'd repeat your actions and concluding with insight into your personal growth are crucial. Approach this reflective prompt with sincerity and depth, ensuring a personal and thoughtful exploration of your experience challenging a belief or idea. With careful reflection and clear articulation, your essay will not only respond to the prompt effectively but also offer a window into your character and values. Happy writing!


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Chief of Content @ MeetYourClass. University of Michigan '25.
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